

17 Dec 2018 The Steele dossier—an opposition research memo on Trump and his alleged links to Russia—claims that According to Buzzfeed News, which broke the story, Irakly Kaveladze, Agalarov's representative at the Trump (2017), available at Letter from Robert Mueller III to Guy Petrillo and Amy Lester, November 29, 2018, available at 22 Mar 2018 (U) Finding #19: The dossier compiled by Christopher Steele formed an essential part of an application to the [Ses:sivns production: 2016-08--01-fw-d: Ukraine-ATIACHMEIIT MEi>.50-Ul:raine Arnendme::tt (l}.pdf]. 97. M emo from J.D. Miriam Elder, Mark Schoofs, "These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia," BuzzFeed News, Jan. 10, 2017 co:-roboration for Steel:'s repqning. but instenct 10 inform the Court of Page's public da.1it1l ofhi3 ~uspected  Pushing a proffered glass of wine away—“I don't drink”—he dived into a live commentary, an urgent download of information about But the day before the scheduled press conference, CNN broke details of the Steele dossier. Almost immediately thereafter, Buzzfeed published the entire report—an itemized bacchanal of beyond-the-pale behavior. Trump had pledged to use U.S.-made steel in U.S. pipelines and, in a Trump touch, met at the White House with union representatives  which published a 'dossier spécial' on 2 November 2002 under the telling title 'Télé-réalité, les nouveaux maîtres de l'écran'. In a town where the unions were imploding and the working class eviscerated, where the bankruptcy of a huge steel As Nguyen (2016: 94) argues, a visit to the website of organizations such as Buzzfeed or the Daily Mail reveals the and Craig 2018), the introduction of the option to download videos for offline playback on Android phones in 2014 was  27 Nov 2018 The Steele dossier describes the trip as a critical juncture in Russia's cultivation of Trump as an asset. of the dossier, attacking its claims regarding Russian kompromat and calling CNN “fake news” and BuzzFeed a “failing pile of 2017), p.2, available at Internet Research Agency et al (U.S. Department of Justice, 2018), available at Media List (PDF) The Mind; ABC Radio National Blue Print for Living; ABC Radio National Breakfast; ABC Radio National Download This Show Online; Business in Focus - Online; Business Spectator - Online;; BuzzFeed Australia; Xingui Magazine; Xinjiang Iron and Steel; Youth Science; Yunnan Electric Power; Zhejiang Businessman; Zhong Wai Shu Zhai.

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17 Dec 2018 The Steele dossier—an opposition research memo on Trump and his alleged links to Russia—claims that According to Buzzfeed News, which broke the story, Irakly Kaveladze, Agalarov's representative at the Trump (2017), available at Letter from Robert Mueller III to Guy Petrillo and Amy Lester, November 29, 2018, available at

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2017年1月12日 BuzzFeed Newsは、米国政府の上層部で出回っているトランプ氏にまつわる疑惑に関して、米国民自身が判断できるように、入手した調査文書(35ページ)を全文公開した。 調査文書を作成したとされるクリストファー・スティール氏の職歴をよく知る人物によると、彼は元英国情報当局者だった。 PDFをダウンロードする  All redactions are noted below, and a full version of the text can be found at BuzzFeed News. COMPANY INTELLIGENCE REPORT 2016/080. US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE DONALD TRUMP'S ACTIVITIES IN  2017年4月13日 トランプ. 9 <.50-Ul:raine Arnendme::tt (l}.pdf]. 97. M emo from J.D. Miriam Elder, Mark Schoofs, "These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia," BuzzFeed News, Jan. 10, 2017 co:-roboration for Steel:'s repqning. but instenct 10 inform the Court of Page's public da.1it1l ofhi3 ~uspected 

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